Krysten Baitz said on Jun 17, 2011 2:06 AM
We love our Cockapoo puppy Luke so much! We brought him home the same day we met him back in March. Thank you so much for giving us this little bundle of energy and love! He has been so wonderful. A few accidents here in there, but nothing to worry about; he now barks when he needs to go. After about three or four nights in the kennel next to my bed, he was able to sleep through a whole night; unbelievable! He has become a member of our family without a doubt. Thank you so much! I will email a few pictures :)
The Riveras said on Jun 7, 2011 11:01 PM
Hi Jan! Maise Is so cute! We love her! We have had her for about a year and she is great! Thank you!
Lisa Suzuki said on Jun 1, 2011 0:53 AM
We adopted our "son" Karamel when my daughter was 7 years old. He is now 4 and like others have said in their posting, we could not imagine our lives without him. He has such a wonderful disposition. He is good with kids and so devoted. I still remember when we first brought him to our vet and he commented "this dog has the face... he is adorable, healthy and as the saying goes, "happiness is a warm puppy" from Janet's cockapoos!!
Anita Srivastava said on May 14, 2011 2:07 AM
We recently got a cockapoo from Jan. Named her Jazz. My kinds are totally in love with her. She is soft spoken and has a wonderful temprament. Thanks Janet. Also our pupy got sick the week after we brought her home (Kennel Cough) and Janet provided us all the support and help to bring her back to health. Thanks so much for that Janet. We appreciate you helping us as we were all so new to this and the kids were so worried. This makes you a very special breeder!
Areti Schlemmer said on Apr 30, 2011 1:58 AM
Hi Jan!!! I hope you are doing well!!! Hercules will be 3 in September and you were right, he is the "sweetest and smartest dog." Herc has done nothing but bring laughter and love into my life and I can not imagine loving anything more than him!!!!
Marlene & Barry Warner said on Apr 24, 2011 10:23 PM
Hi Jan, Bailey will be 1 year old this month - he is absolutely the most loveable puppy. He's very smart and is wonderful with our grandsons. Definitely likes to get into mischief at times - loves to chew on the toilet paper (we try to remember to keep the bathroom doors closed). Bailey is 2nd generation - any time we take him for a walk people are always stopping to tell us how "cute" he is. Thanks again!
The Barton's said on Apr 21, 2011 8:44 AM
We picked up Jorie one week before Christmas and have been madly in love with her ever since! When my wife and I first saw her among the other puppies in the litter, she was our immediate choice. My wife held her in her lap wrapped in the baby blanket Jan gave us for the two drive back to suburban Philadelphia. She has grown from being the shy one of the litter to a happy, playful pup with tons of energy. Although we had our doubts if she would ever stop testing those sharp little puppy teeth on our hands and fingers, one day that habit just stopped being an issue. We are saving a lot of money on band-aids! She recently finished her Puppy Training class and is now enrolled in the Intermediate session. She is very friendly with other dogs in the neighborhood and loves to go on long walks. Thanks to Jan for making the process of adding a new member to our family so enjoyable!
Goldsmith Family said on Apr 2, 2011 10:35 AM
We just adore Nick! He is now 3 1/2 years old and is the love of our life. Our son was 8 1/2 yrs. old when we surprised him.....when we handed him Nick to hold he actually asked if he was real or a stuffed toy....Nick is the sweetest most forgiving animal ever (as you can imagine the playtime he gets with his human brother!) Jan, thank you sooooo much for our dog, Nick....he has changed me forever...
Phil Giordano said on Apr 1, 2011 5:08 AM
My Wife Annmarie & I adopted Sandy from Janet in Dec. 2009. So she became part of our family for just over a year. We made this decision, after our daughter went off to college. This was one of the best decisions of our lives and we feel like Sandy has always been part of our family. She is the sweetest & most lovable dog in the world and everybody who comes into our home says the same. We can't remember what life would be without her.
Marissa said on Mar 27, 2011 8:00 PM
Well it has been a week and a day with out TWO new additions to the family- Jersey Girl and Bully G. They are just adorable and so smart! And everyone just loves them. We couldn't be happier!
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Thank You for taking the time to post a referral message !!!!!!! I appreciate your time and business ! Jan
If possible include a recent picture of your Pup From the Past !!!!!!!!!
I would love to post .