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Janet Bakirtzis

27 Colonial Woods Drive

West Orange N.J.

Visit for a Puppy Purchase-I am available by appointment 7 days a week between 10 am and 8 pm. If you are unable to keep an appointment please let me know asap.

Boarding-$55.00 a night

Dog must be healthy up to date with Vaccinations and Veterinarian Visits. Proof of Rabies Vaccination is required. Spayed/Neutered. I Do ask for you to bring a familiar item {T-shirt} so your dog has your family s scent with them while you are away. Bring Dogs regular food 

Grooming-$50-first puppy trims up to 4 months old. Average haircut- $60 plus

All Haircuts include cutting of nails,clean ears,hair trimmed,bath and blow dry. 

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